
10:57am Server Time
Welcome to the signup page. Please note that multiple accounts are currently allowed. However, while you may trade between accounts, using one account solely to benefit another is strictly against the rules.
Account Information
Choose something unique 4-14 letters/numbers/underscores.

Between 4 and 20 letters/numbers/underscores.

Confirm Password
Must match previous entry.

E-mail Address
Must be a valid email address to confirm your account.

Confirm E-mail Address
Must match previous entry.

IMPORTANT: If you have a junkmail folder it may be sent there. However, make sure that you are NOT blocking junkmail or that you add to your address book or you may not receive your activation code.
Your name (or a fake alias)

Date of birth.


Jabbrarii If any Trisphere veterans see this, I'd be willing to buy some recipes off of you.
Jabbrarii Check out the forum for more information and discussions.
Jabbrarii Good. It's best to play in 5-20 minute increments - keeps the experience fresh!
Apollo883 I'm enjoying the game so far
Apollo883 Hello, Jabbrarii
Jabbrarii Hello, Apollo883!
Jabbrarii Any luck with the pet?
Jabbrarii Rianu general store > buy Taming Crystal > weaken an enemy until it's HP is low (I suggest late orange, red) > use taming crystal.
Saraphan How do i also get a pet
Jabbrarii A pet will help too!
Jabbrarii Gaining levels, spending skill points, getting better equipment - about what you'd expect.
Saraphan How can i boost my power
Jabbrarii Sira?
Jirm_10 Where can i find sira?
Cygnusiv Just checking.
Game Info
Next Energy Tick:
3 Minutes
(+200 Energy +100 Fatigue)

Trisphere, code, images, and all related content are property of Lee Miller. © 1999-2024